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This train shouldn't be stopped!

Only days left

21 - 22 May 2025 | Entroncamento, Portugal


Come join us at the largest railway event in Portugal

Already considered the leading reference for national railway events, the Portugal Railway Summit, organized annually by PFP – Portuguese Railway Platform - Railway Cluster, is now preparing its 6th edition in 2025!

In a context of high expectations regarding the future development of the national railway sector—so crucial for the cohesion of Portugal and Europe—this event will be particularly relevant in addressing announced investment plans and their financial instruments, among other key topics.

We count on you because this train shouldn't be stopped!

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An event addressing the fundamental issues of the railway's future - this train shouldn't be stopped!







Ready for Portugal Railway Summit 2025?

Reserve Your Spot at Portugal Railway Summit 2025: Get a Stand at the Largest Railway Event in Portugal

Why Have a Stand at Portugal Railway Summit?
Having a stand at the event is the perfect opportunity to showcase your brand, present technological innovations, and establish strategic partnerships. Your presence at the Summit ensures visibility among key industry players, fostering valuable connections and positioning your company at the forefront of railway discussions and developments.

Portugal Railway Summit offers various stand options, aligned with the available sponsorship packages. These packages outline the stand sizes, benefits, and locations, allowing you to select the option that best suits your needs and objectives.

If you're looking for a larger stand, it's important to act fast! These spaces are limited and allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. Securing one of these premium spaces also allows you to choose the stand’s location, maximizing your brand’s exposure at the event.

Find out more about Stands

Download the complete event floor plan

Plataforma Ferroviária Portuguesa

A space reserved for the Association responsible for organizing the Portugal Railway Summit

Would you like to become a sponsor of the largest national railway event and have your own exhibition space?

Don't miss the opportunity to have your space at the Portugal Railway Summit!

Depending on the sponsorship level chosen, each sponsor will have different requirements for their stand on the Exhibition Floor.


Top companies in the railway sector

Are you interested in becoming our sponsor?

Don't miss the opportunity to have your space at the Portugal Railway Summit!

Depending on the chosen sponsorship level, each sponsor will have different requirements for their stand on the exhibition floor.

Find out more about becoming a sponsor
Leave us your contact details so we can get in touch


How were the previous editions?

Portugal Railway Summit is an event with a history of growth year after year. Access all our previous editions since 2019 here!


Portugal Railway Summit 2024

6ª Edição do maior evento nacional ferroviário !

Other editions